martes, 28 de abril de 2009

My birthday =)

Yesterday was a special day for me, because I turned (vaig complir) 18 years old, and now I’m legally of age =)

I’m very moved for this situation, because since this moment I’m more free like one day ago, now I can enter in all of discotheques, I can sign my school absence, I can travel around the world without my parents’ permission, I can drive my car, I can life alone…Maybe it was a stupid thing to some people who are 18 years old and they can’t do this things because their parents are very strict or to people who they won’t growing up , but I know that I feel, and it’s this feeling, freedom.

Now begins a new stage of my life, adultery, and sincerely, I’m a little bit scared because besides from this freedom, I also know that the things get complicated.But well, I’m only 18 and now is time to enjoy the life =)

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