martes, 3 de febrero de 2009

Project work

=) woah! I’m feel so happy because I finished my Project work (treball de recerca).

After doing this project since summer more or less, it was a really break (descans) for my body to finished it, but now were coming the exams, and difficult exams, but it’s a good luck that this project is finished.

My TDR consist about fears, phobias and anxiety, and the name of the project is Fear psychology, in catalan Psicologia de la por, in the project, one of my objectives was explained the difference of fear and phobia, because some people think that they are synonymous and they’re wrong. The fear is a rational feeling whereas (mentre que)phobia is a irrational an illogical fear. And anxiety is a characteristic of phobia and fear.

So... When I said at the beginnings “I’m feel so good and happy” it’s true, but I also feel nervous with my project oral presentation, because I’m a shy person and if I explain my project to only 3 persons it’s really tense, but well, I suppose that I ask to my friend if they want to go in my oral presentation, and like this I’ll feel more calm.

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