miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009

Bye Bye holidays...


Today is the last day of our Christmas holidays and it’s sad because this 3 weeks has come past really fast, because I did a lot of things, for example “treball de recerca”, homework’s, help to my parents to making Christmas dinner or a “kings lunch” (dinar de reis), because this day we have a lot of task since the all of my family comes to my house and my mum felt very stressed. Also I must go to buy presents to my family and for these all reasons I didn’t have a lot of time to go back with my friends, only at night.

But I thought that this Christmas would be worse, overcoat for “treball de recerca”, because I’ve heard that this year is the worse and also the Christmas is horrible, but I disagree with this.Well, I think that this year is really hard, but at the moment I’ve enjoy every free time :)

So, also it’s true that second Batxillerat students don’t have a lot of free time, but I hope that the next year can be better than this and we will can enjoy with our new life.

Have a nice day =)

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